Child male or female?

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While happy to have children, but sometimes because they want to feel well to have boys and girls, we often wonder about what to do to be endowed with sons or daughters. The following information may help to realize the desire.
What determines the sex of a child is where the successful sperm to fertilize the egg first. Because, the egg contains only the X chromosome, so if X sperm fertilize an egg, then the resulting fetus becomes meaningful XX female, whereas when the Y sperm will be XY, which means son of laki.Berarti, when the environment acid, the possibility of the Y sperm will die so it is not possible to fertilize the egg, whereas when alkaline or neutral conditions, the X and Y can survive, but the chances of an egg Y is greater because the Y is able to move faster.

Acid or alkaline environment can be affected by the following factors:

This type of high protein foods like meat can cause vaginal environment becomes acidic. That includes these foods such as: dairy products, oranges, apples, nuts, shellfish, etc..

Foods such as bananas, cherries, grapes, sprouts can make the environment less acidic so that the Y sperm are more likely to live.

Time during intercourse:
When the time of intercourse, horny wife first, then the vaginal environment becomes alkaline, so the odds of Y is greater. Conversely, if the wife is not stimulated, then the chances of X larger than Y. This is true when a relationship made ​​in the fertile period.

Meanwhile, at the infertile, if intercourse done more than 24 hours, only X sperm are still alive because the Y is only able to live for 24 hours. Thus, the resulting fetus daughter.

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