Education for children

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Children's education is very important. Education from the school will help a child not only understand the theory of the subjects taught, but most importantly is how to learn in a structured and well. With a good education, then the future of a child will be better planned and guaranteed. However, if education is only bestowed on a child's school? What about the role of parents?
The word derives from the Greek school of skho · le 'which means "spare time". However it can also mean extra time to learning activities. Later this word is used to show where organized learning activities. Indeed in the early days of learning activities in a specific place like this can only be enjoyed by the rich in Greece. Similarly, in ancient times in other countries, learning activities in schools can only be enjoyed by the elite only.

At present, education in schools has been enjoyed by various groups and classes. Various schools established to be a place or means of education for children. Various curriculum is also developed for schools to help children have a good way of learning and quality. For most people, they can get a general education at the school with ease. Which includes general education is basic education and secondary education. Several levels of education in various schools in Indonesia, namely:

Early Childhood Education (early childhood)
Early Childhood Education or early childhood is the earliest levels of education. This education level is not required to follow a child, remembering parents also have the full capability to do so. At this stage, the child will be fostered in order to be ready to enter public education. Therefore, at this stage more emphasis to stimulate the child's mind and physical development of a child.
Age: 0-6 years
Example: The play (play group) and Kindergarten (TK)
Primary education
Primary education is compulsory education of a child for 9 years. Education is the beginning of education of a child due to train a child to read well, honing numeracy and thinking skills. Basic education prepares a child to enter secondary education. Primary education is generally divided into two stages: the first 6 years in grades 1 through 6. Then followed the next stage in grades 7 through 9 for 3 years.
Age: from age 7 years
Examples of the first stage of basic education (6 years): Elementary School (SD), Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI)
Examples of the second stage of basic education (3 years): Junior High School (SMP), junior secondary school (MT)
Secondary Education
Secondary education is the continuation of basic education. Secondary education was held for 3 years. Several types of secondary education has also prepared a person has certain skills to be prepared directly into employment.
Example: High School (SMA), Madrasah Aliyah (MA)
Examples of vocational school: Vocational School (SMK), Madrasah Aliyah Vocational
Higher education
Higher education is a continuation of secondary education. Higher education is no longer held in the school but in college.
Example: The Academy, Polytechnic, College, Institute, University of

The key to a Good Education
School has provided a range of materials to educate a child to adulthood, including the development itself. However, the responsibility for education is not solely the responsibility of the school. The key to a good education is the involvement of an adult parent who is attentive. If the parents directly involved in the education of children in school, then the child's achievement will increase. Any students who excel and successfully graduated with good results always have parents who are always being supportive. What can be done by parents to their children after they enter the education in school? Here are some things that need to be done by parents to their children to excel in school.

The Parent Support
Parents should pay attention to their children and instil in them the values ​​and educational goals. They also try to find out their child's progress at school. The trick is to visit the school to see the situation and environment education in schools. Interest on school activities will directly affect your child's education.
Cooperation with Teachers
Usually if you develop serious problems, then some parents contact their children's teachers. Instead, parents need to know the teachers at the school and establish a good relationship with them. Communicate with the teacher for your child's development. Teachers also need to be told that you look at your child's education is important in schools as part of his life. This will make teachers pay more attention to your child. Attend a meeting of parents of students and teachers organized by the school. At this meeting, you have the opportunity to find out your child's academic achievement and the development of your child at school.

If a teacher said bad things about your child, listen to the teacher with great respect, and find out what he says. You can also ask the teachers at the school on achievement, attitude, and attendance of children at school. If a child is often two-faced, then the explanations from the teacher may reveal hidden things that your child while being nice at home.
Provide time for children
Always provide ample time for your child. If your child home from school, they are generally quite stressed with the burden of homework, tests, or other problems. It's ideal if parents such as a mother was at home when the kids at home. A child will be happy to tell you when get home from school while removing all the complaints and the burden to parents. It could be that they began to tell his friends that rogue who began offering cigarettes and drugs. You can immediately respond to that if you make time for your kids.
Keep an eye on learning activities at home
Indicate your interest in your child's education. Make sure your kids are doing homework (PR) them. Require yourself to learn something with your kids. Read it with them. Do not forget to schedule time each day to check your child's homework. Take control of your time watching TV, the Internet and play games of your children.
Teach responsibility
Schools will generally give a lot of work to prepare the child at home and at school. Are they doing the tasks correctly and well? A child can be responsible to do their work at school if you have taught them to work responsibilities at home. Try to start giving your child chores such as cleaning routine every day bed itself according to a specific schedule. Training in such a house would require a lot of effort on your part because it needs to be watched. But it will teach your child a sense of responsibility they need to succeed in school and later on in life.
Execute discipline firmly but lovingly. If you always follow the wishes of children, then they will become spoiled and irresponsible. Another problem can arise if you pamper your child like teenage sex, drugs, poor performance, and other problems.
Keep your child's health to academic achievement is not compromised. Create a sleep schedule is enough for your child. Children who are tired can not learn well. Then avoid foods like junk food, because in addition to causing problems of obesity, also bring a bad influence on the ability to concentrate.
So your best friend
Be the best friend for your child. Take the time to share things with them. A child needs all the friends he could get ripe.
As a parent, you can avoid many problems and concerns over your child's education by remembering that successful cooperation is built on good communication. Good cooperation with educators in schools can also help protect your child.

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