A good brother to his sister

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For the couple who already have more than one child, perhaps never experienced the bad attitude of the older child in accepting the presence of his new sister. Feelings of envy, jealousy and feeling overwhelmed by the love of his parents - especially the attention of his mother - often resulted in rejection of the older child for the presence of her new sister.
Rejection of the older brother is usually indicated by a reluctance to help the mother look after younger siblings, not her mother asked for matters relating to his brother, a more extreme attitude of resistance, for example, like hitting or hurting his little sister, tantrums, throw things or damage, or any child who has suddenly become fond of playing outside in a long time but had more often played in the house.
For those of you who have the first male child, let alone that had already spoiled, usually the process of adjustment to his new sister will be slower and often fruitful rejection and even hostility towards her new brother or his parents. Actually, various forms of rejection is just an attempt to attract attention dikuatirkannya "missing" from his parents against him.
Basically a child is a human being immature in his thinking process. Maturity of the thought process of a child can be trained with the cultivation of good habits. Good habits are the repetition of good deeds performed continuously by involving emotions (feelings) of the most basic of human needs, namely the need for love, the need for appreciation and the need for respect.
Because of fear of loss of love from both parents were making children become aggressive and show resistance to the presence of his new sister. This attitude is counter productive to be overcome by showing the child that her sister's presence will not replace the love of his parents, but the affection that would be shared between him-along with his brother. If the child is aware that both parents still love obtainment fairly with his new sister, it will automatically affection growing inside her against her sister.
Parents' efforts
1. Recommend to the child's parents early pregnancy condition. The sooner the better will be introduced. Acceptance of the child to her new sister's presence also depends on the involvement from the beginning. This introduction to a variety of ways, for example, invites children to accompany her mother to check the condition of pregnancy to an obstetrician or by showing the results of the ultrasound images (Ultra Sono grafi) content explains about the condition of his mother and his new sister who was in the womb of the mother's abdomen.
2. Give just enough knowledge to children - of course in accordance with age and level of understanding - about pregnancy and the fetus in the womb.
3. Involve children in times of pregnancy, such as go to the market or supermarket to buy healthy food and milk for pregnant women, or join escort and accompany her to the gym for pregnant people.
4. Give him enough information about the role of a brother and sister in the house, and explain how much fun if the brothers helping each other and share.
5. Create a feeling both will wait for the new baby's presence between parent and child by involving him in preparation for the birth of his brother, like him to play a role in the preparation room for the sisters to be born, preparing for baby paraphernalia or expectant sister helped him in the hospital barunyanya .
6. After the birth, continues to involve the older child to help in little things like get diapers for her sister or her brother helped maintain when you're doing something very urgent. Of course with due regard to the rights of the older child to enjoy play time and learning.
7. Stay meet the basic needs of the older child for attention and your affection. If it turns out there are needs that must be prioritized to his sister, should be discussed well in advance by the brother. Give him to succumb to the sense of great urgency, but do not forget to keep promises to meet these needs at another time.
8. Give rewards and praise to the brother for all the understanding and assistance rendered during the preparation and maintenance of the birth of his new sister. Convey that his role is very important and very helpful. Say that without her help, her sister may not be as handsome / beautiful and healthy as this.
Let no comparison
Do not ever compare between the brother with his sister in any way. If indeed there is advice that should be given to the brother or indeed should be scolded, do not do in front of her sister and do not have words to compare between the two, for example, more patient, his sister while he was not, or sister more tractable he was not. Your child will also want to be appreciated and respected as himself, then give advice by not comparing it with other people, especially with his own sister

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