protect children from Internet dangers

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Along with technological advances, the more widespread use of Internet among the people. Many families have used the Internet subscription services, so that in the house, family members can access the Internet with ease. So also with the presence of a cellular phone that allows one to access the Internet anytime and from anywhere. The Internet can provide positive benefits, but also can have a negative impact. A child who uses the Internet often become easy targets of those who intend evil as well as pornography. What can parents do to protect their children?
When used properly, the positive impact of Internet technology. A person can easily find the information you want known. By simply typing words into the search engines (search engines), there are many web sites are referenced on that information. The existence of e-mail allows someone to send a letter to other people quickly and easily. Chat room (chat room) allows one to communicate with many people at once far-flung. Or emerging, the presence of social networking web sites such as Facebook or Friendster that allows one to find an old friend that has not been found.

However, the positives of the Internet turns out to be bad when used irresponsibly. Many children who are addicted or addicted to the Internet so that they feel at home for so long in front of the computer will not forget their obligations are more important to eat, bathe and even reluctant to learn. One cause of a child so love the Internet because they get a new experience and they can get comfort. Or they get something from this virtual world that can not be obtained in the real world. In the virtual world he could be someone else is desired. For example, a child who is shy can be easily met through chat or e-mail. In online games, they can make their character a character that beautiful, rich, or anything else that may be different from their real life.

Dangers of Internet Pornography
Even more alarming is when a child is addicted to pornography on the Internet. Within a week there are more than 4000 porn sites created! Truly alarming figures. It not only struck the children, since many adults who are also addicted to pornography on the Internet because it easily and without embarrassment, a person can access and view pornographic images even via mobile phones.

Initially, a child may not intend to look at pornography and will utilize the Internet for a good purpose. However, these porn sites can appear suddenly as a child looking for information materials for school work or for other purposes. A child who is innocent can not judge good or bad a thing, then a child aged 8-12 years are often targeted.

At this age, the presence of a child's brain has not developed properly. While the front of the brain is the center for assessment, planning, and became an executive who will tell your body to do something. In the hindbrain is a supporter of the forebrain. Here also produced dopamine, the hormone that produces a feeling of comfort, relaxation or a fly on someone.

A child who is addicted will be difficult to stop the habit so that he will do so repeatedly. Children may feel guilty but do not dare to express his feelings to their parents because of fear or a busy father and mother. In the state of anxiety, the brain rotates 2.5 times faster than normal at the time of normal rotation. As a result of this turnover is too fast, the brain of a child can be physically shrunk so that the brain does not develop properly. A condition that can damage a child's future. In addition, the obscene pictures in pornographic web sites, usually will stick and be difficult to remove the child's mind in the time period long enough.

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