Stress symptoms in children and how to cope

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Symptoms of Stress
A child who is stressed can be identified by observing his behavior. Psychosomatic reactions, including gastrointestinal problems, headache, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and problems during the waste water, perhaps a sign that something was wrong. Other signs such as frequent crying, happy to be alone, fussy, do not want to go to school or a place, making mischief in the school playground or in the environment, decrease the value of school. Even stress can also cause physical illness in children, such as feeling dizzy, nausea, diarrhea, paralysis due to depression, or other diseases.

If a child has pain in a long time and after consultation the doctor can not find the exact cause, then there is no wrong if you ask the help of a psychologist, because the disease may not be caused by viruses, bacteria or caused damage to the body but the mind of children who are stressed .

Helping Children Experiencing Stress
As human beings who have not experienced and brain capacity is not optimal, a child does not have the ability to find solutions of the stress he suffered so that should get help from adults to be able to overcome the difficulties that they experienced stress is not prolonged.

If there are indications your child experiences stress, avoid excessive to feel panic because if you panic then you can also suffer from stress and so can not help your child. What you can do to help your child is:

Improve your parenting
If you've likely authoritarian permissiveness or otherwise, should you change your parenting style so that your child does not feel burdened with excessive demands. Instead, provide clear rules, why the rule is given and the consequences if rules are violated. Do not forget to give praise when your child to be positive, but given a reprimand or discipline if the child is violated and an explanation why the discipline is given and not because the parents hate their children.
Do not make excessive demands
Parents want their children to achieve their best, but do not set targets that can not be achieved by the child. Do not also criticize or compare a child with someone else. Accept a child with all the advantages and drawbacks. If a child fails to achieve the demands that you give, do not punish or ridicule him, but help children to become better in the future. Failure experienced by the child now does not mean he can not get better and it does not mean the end of everything.
Create closeness with the child and open communication
The closeness of parents with children will help a child open to parents and parents free to make as a place to vent. Children can tell the unpleasant events they experienced while in school or outside the home. Parents, as a man with more experience can provide a good solution for the child or take the necessary measures so that unpleasant incidents can be avoided. This is very good compared to if the child tells permasalahannnya to peers or others who are not exactly who can give advice on making it worse.
Create a harmonious family
Mother's father a harmonious relationship, the closeness with brothers and other family members make the child feel comfortable and at ease at home, helped him avoid bad relationships can cause various problems that can make children stressed. In addition, with harmonious family can avoid quarrels and even divorce that would disrupt the child's emotional stability.
Form an independent child
A child in time should be independent, because it is not possible parents constantly watching her. So, help a child with a train to make the necessary decisions. For example, when a child asks whether an action may be taken or not, take the child to discuss what good things and negative things will happen if the children do so. This can help a child if one day he had to make decisions without the help of parents. Independent child will also be more where it can solve the problem and deal with when he feels uncomfortable that prevent children experience stress.
Give reasonable flexibility for children
For things are not very principle, give flexibility in children. For example in determining extracurricular activities or courses that will follow. Allow the child to channel his hobby so that children do not feel constrained and enjoy the activities.
Provide healthy food and adequate sleep
Because stress can affect the nutritional intake of children, then serve nutritious food for you, do not get used to fast food, soft drinks, or other non-nutritious snacks. Also get used to the child to eat regularly and on time. Meanwhile, to help children get enough sleep, help your child to have a good schedule, determine when he should play, when to do other tasks and schedules so that the child has time to nap and not have to sleep until late at night to do their job.
Attention and affection from parents tertutama they need and help children avoid stress. So, continue to support, train and foster your child so he can enjoy his days with cheerful.

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