Help wife during pregnancy

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Talking to babies in the womb
By stroking the baby's stomach and invite you to talk, this will help the baby recognize his voice. Father's voice that makes the baby get to know her weight compared with mothers' voices. It is also a happy mother who conceived him a good look at the relationship between father and son.
Pay attention to the couple.
Forms of attention can be given as make juices, massaging the legs, stroking his head, or other forms of attention. Understand, that this time his wife was having an unpleasant situation, then by being given attention can help a wife get through this.
Give confidence to your wife.
When pregnant, most women do not PD with the situation himself. Seeing her getting fat can make a woman think she is not pretty anymore. So a husband could increase his confidence with a compliment or not refuse when asked to make love. Remember, that he became fat because it was pregnant with your child and you also played a role like that makes it widened.
Help your wife prepare for the birth.
This can be done for example by accompanying your wife walk or follow pregnancy exercise together. This can help reduce fear your wife in childbirth because of knowing you will participate.
As a husband, you would want your wife and children survived. So the help and attention of a husband is invaluable for his wife. Show your love to the wife as a promise that you have spoken to him at the wedding.

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